13 September 2006

Kingdom of God in Acts

Proclaiming the Kingdom of God and Teaching about the Messiah’s Enthronement according to the Book of Acts

What did the early church preach according to Acts? In particular, what did the apostles preach, whether of the Twelve or of other witnesses (e.g., Peter, Phillip, Paul, Barnabas)?

In my research paper I want to focus on the messages proclaimed by the various witnesses in Acts. The text seems to emphasize the kingdom of God and the Messiah’s enthronement, so I will seek to understand what the message is, not necessarily being concerned with how the witnesses adapt their message to various audiences (e.g., Jerusalem, Lystra, or Athens).

I believe research in this area will benefit the people of God today who want to understand what message we should proclaim.

I intend to read various essays in Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts in addition to appropriate sections of major commentaries including F. F. Bruce’s. I will browse the footnotes in these sources for other material in which scholars have examined the preaching in Acts, especially where they have focused on the content of the message (not that the method of delivery is less important or separate). Also, I will read the text of Acts, especially the sermons delivered and the summaries of what the witnesses were proclaiming.

I'm excited about working on this paper (though overwhelmed), because I want to be able to empower other people to be proclaimers of the Kingdom and of Jesus Christ. I want them to be able to use Scripture responsibly so that even when I'm gone they will continue to proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about the testimony regarding Jesus whom God has raised from the dead.

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