31 January 2008

Blowback: Laura Ingraham and Ron Paul

I got this video/radio things thru www.mercola.com. Dr. Mercola is a doctor who believes people ought to take control of their health. He absolutely loves Dr. Ron Paul. Below I pasted some of Dr. Mercola's comments from his post:

"In this interview with political commentator and talk show host Laura Ingraham, Ron Paul explains why the Constitution should be followed -- and how unintended consequences are the inevitable effects of current U.S. foreign policy.

In the middle of it, he lets Ingraham know that she is actually unintentionally arguing his own points for him. If you want to hear a man speak with passion and principle, this is the interview you should hear.

Aside from his dedication to principle, there are many reasons why I support Ron Paul, and a major one has to do with his devotion to your health freedom. He believes in:

Expanding the ability of Americans to use alternative medicine and new treatments.
Opposing legislation that increases the FDA‘s legal powers. [Did you know that the FDA has approved of genetically modified foods without labelling? Vegemite, on the other hand,--even though we've had it on our store shelves for years--has been banned by the FDA!!! It is absurd that new government branches like the Federal Bank and the Federal Food & Drug Administration get formed (in America!) without checks or balances!]
The notion that the government should never have the power to require immunizations or vaccinations."

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