22 May 2007

Is Ritalin Right for You?

The most powerful symptom: "Often figits with hands or feet or squirms in seat."

Should everyone take psychotropic drugs? Many M.D.s believe ADHD exists, but that doesn't mean everyone who "squirms" has it. You should seek critical doctors before you take any drugs--in my humble, but passionate opinion. Especially when you are giving the drugs to your child.

No tests document ADHD, only symptom clusters . . . but treatments cause long-term and, at times, permanent effects on the brain. ADHD is an unproven disease, but treatments are proven to produce brain atrophy. Other side effects according to a young man prescribed Paxill in the third grade: "hallucinations, a voice telling me to kill people". Can you imagine a Mormon kid becoming violent, walking into school with a gun?

If an "expert" gave you choices of "covering" your child's hyperactive squirming: fresh foods, watching the Little Mermaid 29 times, electric shock therapy, or a magic pill . . . which one(s) would you choose. Would you go to prison for not medicating your kid?

Was Television your babysitter? At what age must a person stop squirming? Why must the energy be stifled? Shouldn't it be channeled? Are pills ways of raising proper kids?

Well, hopefully my questions will make good teasers for the video. Click on the title link to watch the video and read a commentary.

Why do I put things like this on my blog? I trust in God to constantly provide renewable energy, healing, and joy. I'm not perfect. I get depressed, sick, and mean-spirited. But I don't expect the solution, ultimately, to come from people who will make a lot of money from it (i.e., many drugs on the Western market). I don't want to bow down to anyone. It doesn't mean I won't submit to medical care; I will as long as it is "care".

If you suffer from depression, I would recommend several choices. You may not find the side effects from drugs acceptable (especially for 80% of people diagnosed with depression). So try some or all of these proven solutions that have mostly positive side effects and no debilitating ones:

Eat a fresh variety of food, especially plant food, without avoiding good fats like Omega-3s.

I think these have God's stamp of approval and the promise of his sustenance. Even if you are skeptical that God might work through natural living processes, at least be skeptical of specific technologically produced pharmeceuticals prescribed by an expert who may be indiscriminate, for example, psychotropic drugs. The person is not bad, but the prescription might be and, I would say, probably is.


Justin P. Lewis said...

Possibly your best health nut post to date. A teacher of mine at the grad school told us a story about ADHD; which he strongly opposes. His son was very active and squirmy during his elementary school days. The teacher recommended meds, Dr. Williams asked the teacher to allow his son to stand up beside his desk when he felt overactive. That strategy worked. Sometimes it takes thinking out of the box.

Jason said...

Thanks for the comment, Justin, even though I don't think you have to confirm what I present on my blog. My point is not that drugs universally are bad. (Technically food is made of chemicals and so are we. We have the power to release chemicals in our own brain.) My point is that the practice of medicine is in large part "inside the box". It's easier, but not better. I hope everyone will keep seeking the better alternatives, not the easier. Not because its commendable, but simply because it is better.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I completely agree. Thanks for posting things like this!

Jason said...

You're welcome . . . Thanks for your comment, Jenny.

My life is not yet congruent with the trust I try to foster, but I do trust in the goodness of creation over the medicine and food industries. I hope to demonstrate that trust more and more.


Anonymous said...

Here is some interesting research on Ritalin. "Ritalin abuse" is one of the biggest concerns of people searching for Ritalin online. Someday, society will look back at the way its being used now and shake its head.

Anonymous said...

Oops - this link to the Ritalin research works. :)