06 January 2007

Neurology Anomaly

Is One Foot Really Smarter Than the Other?

This is an interesting physiogical neurology anomaly that can help you have a phenomenal parlor trick at your next party.

Here are the steps:

In a sitting position, lift your right foot off the floor and, then, make clockwise circles with it.
While making circles, draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change directions and there is nothing you can do about it.


The Lj's said...

Thanks for the free evening entertainment... Lj is still circling!

Justin P. Lewis said...

Feet are weird. But useful.

Jason said...

Kari, that's hilarious! Has he stopped yet?


Noel Green said...

Awesome... I can't wait to be able to not do this and then have someone ask me to do it and act like I've never heard of it and shock them when my foot keeps going the same direction! :)