21 August 2006

Revenge, Apathy, or Care?

"Some Righteous Foster Care"

Using legitimate military force to privilege the interests of our good country . . .


Using a foster care opportunity to love someone unprivileged in our country's system . . .

Can you find an even better way for us . . .

There are usually three ways . . . right? Did someone strike your innocent friend? There are two options: 1) strike back with equal or greater effort, 2) cowardly run away.

I guess if there are only two options, I have to choose 1). Is there a third? Somebody tell me what it would be. If there are only two options, I have a lot of striking to do. In fact, I think I'll begin with you because you are the most different from me.

But I think there are three options (at least). I think the above case of foster care is an example of a third way. I don't know much about foster care. But, it seems like a ripe opportunity for a third way. Rather than complaining about stereotypical characteristics of people who are different from me . . . Rather than ignoring people who are different from me (I think this might even be more destructive) . . . Entering the lives of people who are different from me while carrying the love of God in my body would be the third way. Is that true? Is there a clearer way to say that?

If there are only two ways . . . MLK jr. took the first way. He and many other men and women of peace and righteousness jammed a stick into the spoke of the wheel of racism. The former fools of racism have gone extinct. Unfortunately, there are new fools in a greater age of fools. How do we determine who they are? And How do we jam their wheel?

1 comment:

K. Rex Butts said...

As always, when we are willing to suffer for the sake of others we expose the evil that harms others for what it is.